Non Traditional Flower Ideas
We two girls read alot of blogs about flowers, weddings, brides, etc. Recently, we came across a few non traditional ways to use flowers at a wedding and we liked them so much we thought we’d share!
Here are a few of our favorites!
1. We live here in Florida and we LOVE our outdoor weddings. Sometimes though, the weather doesn’t cooperate and the last thing you want is your guests to sit in a puddle of sweat. Hand out fans for your guests to use during the ceremony and attach some flowers to make a pretty statement.
2. Using greenery in a big way is very popular. This wedding idea uses a calligraphed leaf as a place card!
3. This wedding party in lieu of bouquets, carried a garland as a way to ‘connect’ the wedding party down the aisle.
And last but not least, a cool topper for a traditional centerpiece look: A chic looking lampshade on top of a submerged flower cylinder design.
Everyone expects flowers at a wedding, but there are plenty of ways to use flowers that will give YOUR big day a special twist!
Now go out and have yourself a special Wholesale Flower-Filled day!