Help for the unemployed IT professionals

Hello Friends:

Yesterday I met a lovely woman at a Business Expo where we were showcasing our flowers. Her name is Diane Cavanaugh, and she works with a company known as New Horizons Computer Learning Centers. You might be asking me why am I placing this info on my blog, it has nothing to do with flowers…You’d be right; However, we believe in helping others in any way that we can.
What New Horizons can do for you is help you to update your skills, if you have recently lost your job, in the IT field.
You may think that you knew everything there was to know about the field you were in, but, there is always something new to learn, and you may have only learned what was applicable to your particular job, and missed all the other applications that may help you have a leg up on the competition, in this tough job market.

Give Diane a call (813-387-3500 xt. 3613), if you think she can help you, tell her, Dorelle at sent you.

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